On Mon, 6 Jan 2014 09:36:40 +0100, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:

> thank you for the inofrmation! :))
> I am currently on the way of installing texlive completly 
> and I cannot get enough documentation about it...
> So I thought, that "doc" was a good idea...but iw seems not
> to be...

It may be a good idea, for that package, but not globally. Even so,
unless you need API documentation, I doubt you want that flag.

> I will switch it off again.
> On the other side: Not being able to install docs globally seems
> to be a logical problem (beside being useless...), which needs
> to be fixed...right?

The usual solution is to install with -doc first and then enable the
flag. This often brings in a long list of dependencies, which is where
the problems can arise. I don't have a problems with Gentoo devs not
spending time solving a problems that should not occur with sensible use.

Neil Bothwick

On the other hand, you have different fingers.

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