Hello list,

A week ago the 2.5" drive on my Atom LAN mini-server failed, so I decided to 
bite the bullet and replace it with an SSD. Interesting times!

Today I took the box off-line and backed up the entire, newly built system to 
external USB2 disk. The 3GB took four minutes, a third or a quarter of the 
previous time on the spinning disk. Good news!

I find though that fstrim can't operate on /boot, which is a separate ext2 file 
system. It reports:
        fstrim: /boot: FITRIM ioctl failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
Is this because it's an ext2 partition, not ext4 like the rest of them? Man 
fstrim makes no mention of file-system types.

Maybe I've not laid out the partitions properly. I used gparted from a recent 
System Rescue CD (http://sysresccd.org), which said it was leaving 1MB unused 
before /dev/sda1.

While I'm here, would anyone like to suggest suitable parameters to mkfs for 
any of my file-systems? Here's the fstab:

/dev/sda1       /boot                   ext2    noauto,relatime         1 2
/dev/sda2       none                    swap    sw                      0 0
/dev/sda5       /                       ext4    relatime                0 1
/dev/sda6       /var                    ext4    relatime                0 2
/dev/sda7       /home                   ext4    relatime                0 2
/dev/sda8       /var/cache/squid        ext4    relatime                0 3
/dev/sda9       /usr/portage            ext4    relatime                0 3
/dev/sda10      /usr/portage/packages   ext4    relatime                0 4
/dev/sda11      /usr/local              ext4    relatime                0 2
proc            /proc                   proc    defaults                0 0
tmpfs           /tmp                    tmpfs   nodev,nosuid            0 0
tmpfs           /var/tmp                tmpfs   nodev,nosuid            0 0
shm             /dev/shm                tmpfs   nodev,nosuid,noexec     0 0

I created all the ext4 file-systems with -O ^has_journal to avoid concentrated 
wear. Is this still a good idea nowadays? I'm happy to sacrifice the comfort of 
journalling since recovering this small box from backup is so quick and easy. 
Of course I did plenty of googling before doing anything and picked out what 
still seemed appropriate, but I could easily have missed something important.


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