On Sat, 08 Mar 2014 08:54:38 +0800, Andrew Lowe wrote:

>      I'm looking for a lightweight LiveCD that includes a graphical 
> environment and gcc/clang so that we can make it available on our 
> internal network for the students to download/burn and use at home.
> Does anyone have any ideas/experience in something like this? I've
> looked at Lubuntu but it lacks gcc.

Ubuntu has a tool called Ubuntu Construction Kit for creating custom live
CDs. I've used it several times for creating custom Ubuntu and Mint DVDs
for Linux Format. It works by unpacking an existing live CD insto a
chroot, from where you can add and remove whatever you want, as well as
tweaking boot options. Then it builds an ISO of the environment you

This is probably much better for you than trying to find an off the peg
solution, even if all you end up with is Lubuntu+GCC.

You could do the same thing with system rescue CD but UCK is probably
nearer your needs.

Neil Bothwick

Quantum leap: (adj.) literally, to move by the smallest amount
theoretically possible. In advertising, to move by the largest leap
imaginable (in the mind of the advertiser). There is no contradiction.

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