On 03/06/14 18:10, Canek Peláez Valdés wrote:
>> Maybe a news item explaining the switch of upower would help those who 
>> haven't
>> blundered into this yet.
> Maybe. The thing is, this is going to keep happening, as more and more
> infrastructure migrates towards systemd. Perhaps a news item everytime
> it happens is unrealistic?
> I would expect Gentoo users to search for viable solutions by
> themselves, or asking for ways to solve it in the proper channels
> (like Silvio did).

Yes, thank you. That's exactly how I've seen the situation, but am I
too much from our users?

(I think I'll be forced to write up some minimal news item just to shut up
the loud minority who can't be bothered to do anything themselfs, like even
read package ChangeLogs if they stumble upon something manual.)

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