J. Roeleveld <joost <at> antarean.org> writes:

> >I recently ran across this script: py-mysql2pgsql [1]
> >and this discussion on it's origin [2]. I'm keenly interested
> >in the recommendations of others for migrating mysql databases
> >to postgresql and any comments on this aforementioned script
> >or other methodologies....
> >[1] https://github.com/philipsoutham/py-mysql2pgsql
> >[2]
> >http://www.tryolabs.com/Blog/2012/02/10/django-migrating-mysql-
> James,

> I haven't looked into this recently. But I believe that the DDLs and data
> can be migrated relatively easy.

> Just be aware that software specifically written using MySQLs version of >
SQL is unlikely to work on a different RDBMS without extensive rewrites.

So, If you run the same program, say gnucash, on top of mysql, then migrate
the mysql dB it to pgsql, it will require an extensive rewrite?

This shouild be an easy example, which is quite common (google).
So, let's just say that I run across mysql --> pgsql quite often to the
point that it's time for me to develop some slick_skills here.

> This is the biggest problem people are facing when porting websites 
> to use a different database.
> What is the reason for migrating and what kind of data and 
> applications are you using?
> Joost

Another more serious problem:
I'm not porting websites, but more working on science applications with
huge data. Some of it is organized via mysql, others are more 
in the form of vary large test vectors (matricies) that are sparsely
populated.  Others portions are double float or other forms of scientific
data.   So in this case there is not a one-2-one semantic. But, I do
need to extract (dump?) mysql into a form where I can later
include it into a much larger, designed from the ground floor up,
pgsql dB.  I relaize this sort of effort is unique, but surely some
additional slick_tools exist for this sort of effort?

Actually, some good articles, book, wikis, etc, would be keen too?


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