Hervé Guillemet <herve <at> guillemet.org> writes:

> Le 12/07/2014 16:59, James a écrit :
> > Hervé Guillemet <herve <at> guillemet.org> writes:

> If someone else had success with these printers, please reply so that we
> can see what differ in our installations.

Sorry for the late response, I had some ideas last night.......

Here are 4 packages/flags/protocols that you should research and 
see if they work. If Debian or Ubuntu have this printer working,
it would be keen to put one of those machines and your printer
on an isolated subnet and run wireshark to see what protocols
are at work.

snmp (snmpwalk, snmpget, 

Also connect to the 'embedded web server' built into most
modern printers. First setup the IP address of the printer
from the printer menu, then ping the printer from your linux
system (fills arp table) and then type in the IP address
from your browser on your linux system and the printers web server
should respond. Maybe something needs to be turned on from
the menu system in the printer's embedded web server?

Have wireshark running on another linux system to sniff the sessions.
Isolate (filter) wireshark to the protocol(s) you want to capture/study.

SNMP might also give you clues as to the error. You are most likely
just missing something simple (at least once you discover the

[1] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=152519

[2] https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=148850

[3] http://gimp-print.sourceforge.net/p_Supported_Printers.php

[4] http://avahi.org/wiki/AboutAvahi


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