On 05/09/2014 15:39, Rich Freeman wrote:
>> The notable difference is Arch has some of the best documataion of any
>> > linux distro; Gentoo struggles to document many key components.
> Interestingly enough people used to say the same thing about Gentoo -
> when I look at the Arch documents they tend to look a lot like how the
> Gentoo docs looked in the mid-2000s.  People in my local user group
> often commented that they ran Debian but usually referenced the Gentoo
> docs.

I wonder why that is.

I recall gentoo docs from 2004 onwards for a few years, and the quality
was magnificent. Nowadays, not so much. And I can probably count on one
hand the number of times I've found a doc suitable for me on the
gentoo-wiki. The unofficial wiki at gentoo-wiki.com was even worse - I
can't recall ever finding good info there.

For the past 3 years I'm finding Arch docs are like the Gentoo docs of
old, just like you. But in my last 5 searches, I found the answer I
needed 4 times on <gasp> Ubuntu's docs system!

What changed with our docs? Most likely a deep change in doc-team
personnel, but I don;t know for sure.

Alan McKinnon

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