On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 10:04 AM, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> Rich Freeman <rich0 <at> gentoo.org> writes:
>> On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 8:23 AM, James <wireless <at> tampabay.rr.com>
>> wrote:
>> Bottom line is that it is hard to measure Gentoo popularity.  I've
>> been using Gentoo since the early 2000s and in practice I can't really
>> see any decline, even if there aren't as many devs as there once were.
>> Rich
> I disagree. The "bottom line" is I added a few generalizations to a
> reference to a relevant document that helps explain and provide some
> background to the user's installation question. There seems to be
> individuals in gentoo-user that want to "thread hijack" some miniscule,
> unrelated issues to start a pointless flame.....

No argument that this has little to do with the original topic, but
there has been a natural evolution of discussion.  People talk about
the things that are interesting to them, and certainly this is not
off-topic for gentoo-user in general.

And I've yet to see any flames in this conversation - just some
discussion, and not really much spirited disagreement.  Really, your
post is the first aggressive one in the thread thus far.

> Was and is very much information related to the poster's original question.
> Section 4 of this aforementioned reference does discuss SSD partitioning
> issues, which was and is at the heart of the poster's question, which has
> had to migrate to a new thread because folks don't stay focused on the
> user's needs and questions?/.

So, your comment here is actually off-topic to the post your replied
to, which had nothing to do with SSD partitioning.  It would have been
more appropriate to reply to somewhere else in the thread...  :)

There have been a total of 2-3 posts about Arch in this thread, and
this has hardly necessitated creating a new thread.  I don't get the
impression that creating a new thread was a conscious decision here.

In any case, a little side conversation has little to do with
somebody's system not booting.


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