On Mon, Dec 1, 2014 at 3:46 PM, James <wirel...@tampabay.rr.com> wrote:
> It clams to be 100% open source. It runs on "bare metal", linux systems,
> clusters and clouds. It claims to have a much small footprint ~114 MB and
> boots very very fast via pxi(boot).

The whole idea of CoreOS is to be the host for a bunch of containers.
The host is completely generic - other than maybe configuring things
like the network or hardware or things actually related to hosting
(what containers to run/how/etc) you aren't suppose to really touch
it.  You don't install packages on the host.  All the stuff you care
about goes into the containers.

Think of it like VMWare on bare metal, except it is linux and you're
running containers and not VMs (so much more efficient, and less

> Surely there will be a openrc version(s) that survives, adapts and remains
> relevant.

Again, the point of CoreOS is that you don't care how the host works.
You won't add/remove services from the host.  As such you won't care
what init implementation it runs.

The containers are a completely different beast.  You might just run
your application in the container as PID 1.  Or, maybe you run
something like sysvinit+openrc or systemd inside a container.  You
could have one of each running on the same host.

> To me, it appears that some forward looking folks have forked (stolen the
> best parts?) gentoo, made some fundamental (long overdue changes) and are
> all about creating a source_to_cluster platform.  (hmmmm, vaguely sounds
> familiar...scratching head). It is a natural evilution for linux to take; or
> are we going to embrace some much needed change (new ideas) into gentoo?

I have no idea if CoreOS is Gentoo-derived, but it is very much a
special-purpose distro.  The whole concept is that you put all the
value-add in the containers, and then you just want a really standard
and lightweight distro to host your containers in.  Maybe you run
CentOS in one container, and Gentoo in another container, and Debian
in another container.


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