On Tue, Dec 2, 2014 at 7:36 AM, Andreas K. Huettel <dilfri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Am Montag 01 Dezember 2014, 20:46:54 schrieb James:
>> Anyone know anything about coreos?
>> Lookie lookie, they have "ebuilds"?
> According to wikipedia, CoreOS is a fork of ChromeOS [1].
> ChromeOS is most definitely a Gentoo derivative [2,3,4], even though that fact
> is not really well known (and not really publicised).

Interesting.  Talk about a march of init systems.  You have Gentoo
which defaults to openrc and supports systemd, to ChromeOS which only
supports upstart, to CoreOS which uses systemd.

In any case, the whole point of both ChromeOS and CoreOS is that
they're hosts for running applications completely outside of the usual
unix-y approach of sticking stuff in /usr.  Applications on ChromeOS
are Chrome extensions and the like, and applications on CoreOS are
containers.  The whole point of both is to abstract away all the guts
of how the OS operates, so the choice of init really shouldn't matter
much to anybody using either.  If you really want to stick stuff in
/usr and interact with host processes directly, then you really should
find a distro which isn't designed to be a black box in this regard.


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