On Mon, 02 Mar 2015 09:29:15 -0500
Tanstaafl <tansta...@libertytrek.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Googling on a minor issue with perl-cleaner after the 5.20 upgrade, I
> ran across this post:
> On 2/14/2015 7:39 AM, Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yes, you shouldn't really have any libs in your world file. Any 
> > required would be pulled in as dependencies.
> Is this in fact true?
> I checked mine, and found:
> # grep -i libs /var/lib/portage/world
> app-emulation/emul-linux-x86-baselibs
> dev-libs/apr
> dev-libs/apr-util
> dev-libs/boost
> dev-libs/elfutils
> dev-libs/glib
> dev-libs/gmp
> dev-libs/libaio
> dev-libs/libdnet
> dev-libs/libevent
> dev-libs/libffi
> dev-libs/libgcrypt
> dev-libs/libgpg-error
> dev-libs/libksba
> dev-libs/libpcre
> dev-libs/libyaml
> dev-libs/oniguruma
> dev-libs/openssl
> media-libs/libjpeg-turbo
> media-libs/libpng
> net-libs/libtirpc
> net-libs/serf
> sys-libs/cracklib
> sys-libs/glibc
> sys-libs/libcap
> sys-libs/timezone-data
> So, should I delete all of these? Even glib and glibc?


You can't blindly use grep for this and equally blindly delete the
resulting list.

You have to consider what world is: A list of packages that YOU want
installed. Portage will pull in all the dependencies by itself to build
those packages. To decide is fomething should or should not be in
world, answer this question:

did you really intend to add the package to world directly, or did you
just emerge it because something else needed it?

Every package in world is there because you put it there, and the libs
are there becuase you should have used -1 and didn't.

You have to examine every entry in world and decide if you need it or
not. Also run --depclean to see if portage then wants to remove it or

It's not easy, it's hard.

> Also - is there a definitive guide (preferably for non programmer
> types) on just how to properly clean the world file?

No. See above.

> Thanks.

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