Nikos Chantziaras <realnc <at>> writes:

> On 21/04/15 21:14, james wrote:
> > How do you tell if a ~9999 is actually based on the nightlies,
> > 5.1 or is just old ebuild with the .9999 extension somebody never
> > got around to renaming or deleting?
> 9999 are live ebuilds. Not based on any release or nightlies. They 
> download the code from a version control repository (Git, Svn, etc.) in 
> whatever state it currently is and build from that. The version before 
> the 9999 usually specifies the branch. For example, 5.0.9999 would mean 
> the latest state of the 5.0 branch (or whatever branch name would apply 
> to that version, like "stable".)

Agreeded. Look at this gcc.9999.ebuild and you tell me what version
it is  (Overlay: chromiumos (layman):

Sure there is a live ebuild for the latest gcc (5.1.x) ?
I just cannot find it .....


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