On 22/04/15 17:58, james wrote:
Nikos Chantziaras <realnc <at> gmail.com> writes:

On 21/04/15 21:14, james wrote:
How do you tell if a ~9999 is actually based on the nightlies,
5.1 or is just old ebuild with the .9999 extension somebody never
got around to renaming or deleting?

9999 are live ebuilds. Not based on any release or nightlies. They
download the code from a version control repository (Git, Svn, etc.) in
whatever state it currently is and build from that. The version before
the 9999 usually specifies the branch. For example, 5.0.9999 would mean
the latest state of the 5.0 branch (or whatever branch name would apply
to that version, like "stable".)

Agreeded. Look at this gcc.9999.ebuild and you tell me what version
it is  (Overlay: chromiumos (layman):


Lack of a version number always suggests latest "master" branch.

However, these are Chromium OS overlays. I don't think you're supposed to be using them on Gentoo. They're for Chromium OS. For all you know, that live ebuild can refer to the master branch of Google's GCC branch, and it might not even build or work correctly as a Gentoo compiler.

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