Am 14.06.2015 um 15:40 schrieb João Matos:
> Hi list,
> I've bought me a ultrabook dell vostro 5470, and I'm trying to get
> gentoo running on it.
> I'm having a few problems, but I'd like to correct the boot one first.
> I'm installing it from ubuntu live cd, and the comand:
> efibootmgr --create --disk /dev/sda --part 7 --label "Gentoo" --loader
> "\boot\efi\boot\bootx64.efi"
> seems to work. It put a entry on bios - Gentoo - but when I select it,
> the windows start (second boot).
> The handbook is not that clear, so I'm not sure if I should call
> /dev/sda7 of "--part 7". Other difference is I'm not using a separate
> /boot. Its everything at /, so I'm also not not sure if this path is ok.
> This seems to be the very simple, and I'd like to have it on my
> system. But I've also tried grub2, and got the following error: 
> "grub2-install: error: cannot find EFI directory."
> What should I do?
> Thank you, 
> -- 
> João Neto
> Linux User #461527

so you don't have an efi boot partition?

That would be your answer.

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