
suppose I have a number of images that need to be displayed side by side in a nice layout. The images are of different sizes and have different aspect ratios.

To fit the images into the layout, I can scale the images either by height or width or by percantage, and they will look messy in the layout because I need to keep their aspect ratio when scaling them.

So what I need to do is put a frame around each image just as needed when scaling it so that I will end up with all the images having the same size while maintaining their aspect ratio.

I guess 'convert' (from imagemagick) or 'ffmpeg' can do this, yet I couldn't find out how.

(In this particular case, I would set a default size to scale all images to rather than doing something more complicated like examine all images in advance to compute a good size to use from the largest or smallest one or from their average dimensions.)

Any ideas how to do this?

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