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> On Jun 23, 2015, at 10:31 AM, David Haller <> wrote:
> Hello,
>> On Tue, 23 Jun 2015, Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> On 23/06/2015 09:27, Ran Shalit wrote:
>>> I am a beginner with Gentoo.
>>> I have followed the instruction for the installation, and tried to see
>>> that I really  understand all of them.
>>> There is the command:
>>> mount -o bind /dev /mnt/gentoo/dev
>>> Which I'm not sure I really understand.
> [..]
>>> 2. Another thing I've noticed is that some tutorial add to the above
>>> also bind to sys folder , and other do not include it.
>>> mount -o bind /sys /mnt/gentoo/sys
>> The handbook says to do it, and it makes sense to do it.
>> Any tutorial that doesn't say it, is wrong/outdated or it's author
>> doesn't understand.
>> If the official handbook says to do it, and some other post from Joe
>> Random Blogger says not to, which one you gonna believe?
>>> Therefore I would like to ask if it is really required ?
>> Yes
> ACK. There's more actually. Currently, I run Gentoo mostly in a chroot
> from my old system[1], and also updated it that way[2]. Currently, I
> use this script to chroot into gentoo:
> ==== /root/bin/chrooter ====
> #!/bin/bash
> root="$1"
> shift
> ### those test -e check for files/subdirs to not bind-remount if I
> ### chroot in more than one xterm, /dev/shm/dh is just a subdir I
> ### create via a custom boot-script on the old system, you'll have to
> ### revert to grepping /proc/mounts for ${root}/dev/shm if your
> ### /dev/shm is empty, and mind you: I use /Gentoo as "$root", but it
> ### appears as /root_ssd2 in /proc/mounts!
> test -e ${root}/proc/kcore || mount --bind /proc/ ${root}/proc
> test -e ${root}/sys/block  || mount --bind /sys/ ${root}/sys
> test -e ${root}/dev/zero   || mount --bind /dev/ ${root}/dev
> test -e ${root}/dev/shm/dh || mount --bind /dev/shm ${root}/dev/shm
> test -e ${root}/dev/pts/0  || mount --bind /dev/pts/ ${root}/dev/pts
> ### convenient way to mount further stuff outside the chroot (with the
> ### appropriate fstab entries). Ran, you should just ignore these lines
> for d in "$@"; do
>    grep -q "$d" /proc/mounts || mount "$d"
> done
> ### adjust the environment (old system still uses iso8859-15)
> export LANG="en_US.utf8"
> unset LC_CTYPE
> ### finally do the chroot
> cd "$root"
> chroot "$root"
> ====
> So, basically, I bind-mount the usual /proc, /sys, /dev plus /dev/shm
> and /dev/pts.
> IIRC compiling some stuff barfed when /dev/shm was not available
> (icedtea?) and /dev/pts gives proper terminals (cf. output of 'tty').
> HTH & have fun,
> -dnh
> [1] have not migrated/tested my much used programs under gentoo yet
>    and too much to do, but most stuff runs from the chroot (even X
>    stuff once I copied my ~/.Xauthority :)
> [2] from a 2010 install not touched since then! Had to use the
>    unpacked stage3 a couple of times setting PATH/LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>    to the stage3 directory (due to emerge/glibc stuff), I definitely
>    do _NOT_ recommend this ;) Was fun though and I learned a lot
>    about the inner workings of emerge/gentoo :)
> -- 
> No, it's a small country on the South American Ivory Coast, just to
> the left of the Caucasus, with penguin wool and yucca meat as primary
> exports.          -- H. Ekker on the question if Austria is in Europe
Ok what was the point of you posting all this?? Are you trying to confuse the 
OP who is new to Gentoo? Or just trying to show off that you use Gentoo in a 
non-practical way foreign to the average user? 

If you're going to add such non-sense as a reply that doesn't contribute to 
really helping someone new to how this all works, best be adding explanations 
of what all your mess is doing and means. 

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