* meino.cra...@gmx.de <meino.cra...@gmx.de> [150728 14:44]:
> Hi Todd,
> ok, I've fixed that...now it displays another error:
> >/usr/sbin/hostapd /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
> Configuration file: /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf
> wlan0: interface state UNINITIALIZED->COUNTRY_UPDATE
> Using interface wlan0 with hwaddr 14:cc:20:17:24:49 and ssid "<my ssid>"
> VLAN: vlan_set_name_type: SET_VLAN_NAME_TYPE_CMD name_type=2 failed: Package 
> not installed
> wlan0: interface state COUNTRY_UPDATE->ENABLED
> wlan0: AP-ENABLED 
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: authenticated
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 1)
> WPA: wpa_sm_step() called recursively
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to local deauth 
> request
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: authenticated
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 1)
> WPA: wpa_sm_step() called recursively
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to local deauth 
> request
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: authenticated
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: associated (aid 1)
> WPA: wpa_sm_step() called recursively
> wlan0: STA ac:9e:17:e7:c7:bd IEEE 802.11: deauthenticated due to local deauth 
> request
> The vlan thingy seems to be a missing CONFIG in the kernel I use...I
> am currently backing a new one with this option set.
> But what is that
> "WPA: wpa_sm_step() called recursively"
> message telling me?
> The device accessing the AP is an ASUS Memo Pad 7 ME176CX tablet...
> Best regards,
> Meino

Hi Meino,

Looking at the code it looks like the "WPA: wpa_sm_step() called
recursively" message is due to the WPA state machine of hostapd
currently running a step in its state machine and that step then trying
to run another step in the state machine.  It seems like that's an a
hostapd problem, probably triggered by the authentication issues.

Can you post your hostapd.conf file (with passwords and other personal
information redacted?)

It still seems like something with authentication isn't quite right.

Also, have you seen https://github.com/oblique/create_ap

There's even Gentoo instructions for pulling it from an overlay.  It
might be interesting to see what kind of config file that script creates
(and if it works.)



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