* meino.cra...@gmx.de <meino.cra...@gmx.de> [150728 15:31]:
> Hi Todd,
> thanks for all your help and patience... :))
> The recursive(recursive(recursive).problem.).problem).problem has
> been solved by rebooting my PC (due to the new kernel) and restarting
> the tablet PC.
> Now I am fighting against dhcpd...as sson as I want to start that
> beast its telling me that dhcpd.ldap is missing. This was not 
> installed (at least as an example) by emerge. I have no idea what
> is to get into that file.
> I will check create_ap...may be it is more intelligent than me in 
> writing config-files ;)
> But unfortunately I have to stop my journey here for today...it is
> late here (9:00 pm) and I have to get out early tommorrow (4:00 am).
> But /I want/ to get this running finally.
> We will see. 
> As soon I have something new, I will post more of the contents
> of my harddisk ;)
> Best regards and thanks again! 8)
> Meino

Hi Meino,

You're welcome.  I'm sorry I couldn't be of more help (and get this

I'm sure you will eventually.

Please let us know how it goes once you get back to it.

Good night,


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