<wabenbau <at> gmail.com> writes:

> > If I'm monkeying around with my email config and I'm not sure if
> > everything is still okay, I usually use gmane [1,2].

> > [1] http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user
> > [2] http://news.gmane.org/gmane.linux.gentoo.user

Yep, gmane as a front-end to gentoo user is very cool and convenient.
You can post/read from any web-browser, once you are set up. Very
useful when you hose a gentoo box or just for regular use. You have to prune
responses you add more lines than your respond to. Also, some special
characters at the beginning of a line cause gmane parsing_constipation,
as do lines too long.

Gmane does bork (as a service) periodically. Sometimnes  it takes
days to get back to normal; often with days of posts missing.
caveat emptor.

I also subscribe to gentoo-user via nntp. {ymmv} depending on your nntp
services. Posting is problematic via nntp:: but can be made to work.

Gmane builds threads with the first posting date being the anchor to access
the thread. nntp lists the threads by the date of the last (therefore lists
the most recent) posting; so I often use nntp to find the thread, note the
date of the first posting, then find thyreads in gmane. On
older/longer/dated threads it really helps.



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