On Friday 07 Aug 2015 00:23:35 waben...@gmail.com wrote:
> Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I was wondering similar questions regarding a 32G flash card I have.
> > Using fdisk to partition it the starting sector was automatically
> > aligned with 2048 as it fdisk has been improved to deal with 4KB
> > sector drives.
> > 
> > However, formatting it with mkfs.vfat I was none the wise if I should
> > use the '-s sectors-per-cluster' option or what to set it at.
> For the SD Cards of my Android devices I use
> mkfs.vfat -F32 -s64
> This always gave me good performance.
> > Furthermore, how can I read the current cluster size off the flash
> > card?  Is this appropriate?
> > 
> > blockdev --getbsz /dev/sdb
> > 4096
> This gives you the physical blocksize of the device.
> If you wanna know the cluster size, that means the blocksize of your
> filesystem, you can use mtools. First configure /etc/mtools/mtools.conf
> and set a drive letter for your SD Card, e.g.
> drive c: file="/dev/sde1"
> then use
> minfo C:
> to query a lot of information about the filesystem. Beside some other infos
> you will get for example:
> sector size: 512 bytes
> cluster size: 8 sectors
> This means cluster size is 4096 Bytes.
> --
> Regards
> wabe


I've used minfo and this is what it showed:

# minfo d:
device information:
sectors per track: 32
heads: 64
cylinders: 30399

mformat command line: mformat -t 30399 -h 64 -s 32 -H 2048 d:

bootsector information
sector size: 512 bytes
cluster size: 32 sectors
reserved (boot) sectors: 32
fats: 2
max available root directory slots: 0
small size: 0 sectors
media descriptor byte: 0xf8
sectors per fat: 0
sectors per track: 32
heads: 64
hidden sectors: 2048
big size: 62257152 sectors
physical drive id: 0x80
serial number: 870C0C43
disk label="VERBATIM32G"
disk type="FAT32   "
Big fatlen=15193
Extended flags=0x0000
FS version=0x0000
infoSector location=1
backup boot sector=6

free clusters=516445
last allocated cluster=1448265

So, with:

sector size: 512 bytes
cluster size: 32 sectors

I get a cluster of 16,384 bytes.  This was created automagically, when I ran:

mkfs.vfat -c -n "Verbatim Flash" /dev/sdb1

Without knowing the specific AU/RU as Fernando explained, should it be 
smaller/bigger, or should I leave well alone.


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