Rich Freeman <rich0 <at>> writes:

> So, kicking the overworked portage team with stuff like "Gentoo has a
> lousy package manager" is not helpful and certainly violates the CoC.
> I don't see that here.


> On the other hand, that doesn't mean that we all need to line up and
> drink the kool aide and say that the behavior pointed out in the
> original message is desired behavior.

Is the kool_aide spike with 151 rum?   just curious....

> We can acknowledge that bugs exist without lining up with signs
> demanding their immediate fix.  The portage team does great work, but
> the fact that package runtime dependencies can vary so much compared
> to a binary distro greatly complicates the dependency-resolution
> problem.  So do some of our package-maintenance practices, and those
> are being looked at right now.

DAG nabbit, I thought I understood the problem and then lost focus?

> Just doing that alone would probably triage a
> large number of issues that confuse users which makes them somewhat
> happier and cuts down on list traffic.

and take our fun away?   Now you're moving to my side of the installer issue?



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