On Wed, 13 Jan 2016 17:24:21 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:

> > I use a directory for package.use, then autounmask puts its entries in
> > the last file in there, so I have a file called zzz-autounmask. It's
> > pretty easy to clean up, just delete/move it and run emerge -u  <at>
> > world again and it will be repopulated with any settings that are
> > still needed.  
> OK, I'll give this a spin. One questions, where to move/name the
> traditional flag settings I have in the top of the old file, here are a
> few for clarity::
> media-sound/hydrogen    portaudio
> dev-util/valgrind       mpi
> net-irc/quassel         webkit
> app-portage/layman      sync-plugin-portage  subversion  
> net-wireless/kismet     -bluetooth
> net-libs/libpcap        -bluetooth
> sci-libs/hdf5           -cxx examples -fortran threads zlib mpi
> Two file, zzz-autounmaks for it's entris and just place those above in
> this file::/etc/portage/package.use/package.use?
> And both  get properly parsed by emerge updates? 
Exactly. When package.* is a directory, portage treats all of its
contents as a single file, in lexical order. Look at the description
for /etc/portage/ in the portage man page.

Neil Bothwick

Accordion: a bagpipe with pleats.

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