Neil Bothwick <neil <at>> writes:

> > The answer to this may be an obvious "yes" but I've never done it so I'm
> > not sure.  Can I route requests from machine C through machine A only
> > for my domain name, and not involve A for C's other internet requests?
> > If so, where is that configured?

>From what I read, 10 nodes or less are free. I'd be willing to participate
as a remote node so a small group of gentoo users can figured this out and 
document some example configurations, as it seems to be very interesting and
useful. Additionally, a custom set of iptables rules or a bridge-filter
would be keen information to add to a gentoo wiki page on this topic, imho.

This could also be a wonderful way for proxy-maintainers to hang in a group
and work more closely on things like digesting EAPI-6 and teaming up on
more complex ebuild issues. It does like sound fun! 


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