On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 10:54:16AM +0200, Dan Johansson wrote:

> Yes, you are correct, I'm running stable (5.6.5).
> Then I'll have to wait for next release to "go stable" or try upgrading 
> to 5.7.4.

As a workaround, uninstall kscreen, create a shell script (named say
xrandr.sh), and put the appropriate xrandr config in it, mine for
example is:

#! /bin/sh
xrandr --noprimary --output DVI-I-2 --left-of DVI-I-1

Go to the KDE system settings, under startup and shutdown, and add this
script in the autostart section as "Pre-KDE startup".

This will result in your monitors being placed correctly under 5.6.x
until you can upgrade to a version with the kscreen bugfix (at that
time, remove this script and reinstall the kscreen ebuild).

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