On Tue, 7 Mar 2017 16:39:55 -0700, Thelma (the...@sys-concept.com) wrote
about "Re: [gentoo-user] Helvetica fonts" (in

> The two PFD documents that I created using both versions of Firefox:
> www-client/firefox
> www-client/firefox-bin
> from pdfinfo:
> Producer:       cairo 1.9.5 (using Firefox)
> Producer:       pdfTeX-1.40.16 (using Firefox)
> Both files are having problem viewing fonts using "flpsed".

I have created a PDF of your message to which this message is replying.
I used Thunderbird, which uses cairo-1.9.5 also. See if the attached
document renders correctly with flpsed. If it does, the culprit will
likely be pdfTeX-1.40.16. If it looks ugly, it could well be Cairo --
but given Cairo's purpose, that seems unlikely.

Dave  [RLU #314465]
dwn...@ntlworld.com (David W Noon)


Attachment: Tbird_msg.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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