On Monday 10 Apr 2017 11:08:05 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Apr 2017 17:13:28 +0800, Andrew Lowe wrote:
> >     Do we have any clang users out there? I've had clang installed
> > 
> > on my machine for ages and a simple "clang test.c" will result in an
> > executable. I can even nearly build my whole machine using clang, so
> > its up and running. I've now just updated clang, from a working 3.9.1
> > to a 4.0.0-r1 and clang has now disappeared. If I type in "clang
> > --version", I get "command not found". "whereis clang" only gives me
> > the library dir. Doing "ls -la /usr/bin/cla*" gives me "No such file or
> > directory"
> Try "qlist clang" so see what is installed, "qlist clang | grep bin/"
> should find the executables.
> qlist is part of portage-utils, which you probably already have.

I seem to recall clang clashing recently with some package, which required the 
clang USE flag to be unset - was it llvm?  I suspect as a result clang is no 
longer installed on my laptop.

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