On Sun, 14 May 2017 02:48:46 +0100, lee wrote:

> > But you could offer access via OpenVPN and tunnel samba through
> > that.  
> I haven't been able yet to figure out what implications creating a VPN
> has.  I understand it's supposed to connect networks through a secured
> tunnel, but what kind of access to the LAN does someone get who connects
> via VPN?  Besides, VPN is extremely complicated and difficult to set
> up.  I consider it an awful nightmare.

Try ZeroTier, it's easy to install and setup (there's an ebuild on b.g.o)
and provides VPN like access, but to individual machines on your network
instead of exposing the entire network to these incompetent people. You
administer ZeroTier centrally, the users only need to install the
software and join the network - then you can give them access to the
Samba server and nothing else on your network.

However, I think owncloud/nextcloud might be a better option. As long as
your users can use a web browser, they can use this and no extra software
is needed.

Another option may be Syncthing, which syncs a local directory with one
over the network. It's encrypted and P2P and needs minimal setup on the
client side. Once set up, they simply copy the files to a directory,
which is synced in the background.

Neil Bothwick

Hickory Dickory Dock, The mice ran up the clock, The clock struck one, The
others escaped with minor injuries.

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