On 2017-07-19, tu...@posteo.de <tu...@posteo.de> wrote:

> My Buspirate v36a needs a newer firmware.
> Unfortunately the flasher software is only
> available in 32bit and I run a 64bit modern
> Gentoo.
> The flasher is a commandline tool and needs
> no fancy movie player or fat surround sound.
> If there is no way (I fear) to setup a tiny
> quick'n' dirty 32bit environment on my Gentoo
> just to flash the firmware I woyld install
> a tiny quick'n'dirty 32bit Linux for my
> Virtual Box.

Why not just boot up a 32-bit LiveCD?  (Or more likely these days, a

Doesn't systemrescuecd still have a 32-bit boot option?

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! The entire CHINESE
                                  at               WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL TEAM all
                              gmail.com            share ONE personality --
                                                   and have since BIRTH!!

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