On Sun, 10 Dec 2017 02:17:09 -0500
John Covici <cov...@ccs.covici.com> wrote:

> OK, thanks, I think I will try that.

The problem you're facing is that you masked dev-lang/perl, but not any
virtual/perl-* or perl-core/-* to compensate.

These 3 components work in concert like a single component, as a sort
of bodge to compensate for the fact portage has no working "provides" feature,
and to compensate for the dependency-system missmatch between how
Gentoo works and how CPAN works.

Theres' no easy way of fixing this atm, but the short of it is if you're using
an ~arch dev-lang/perl, you should be using an ~arch virtual/perl-*,
and if you're using an "arch" dev-lang/perl, you should be using only
"arch" versions of virtual/perl-*

Once you do this, portage may still scream at you, because portage is
very much optimised for upgrading, and it tends to think downgrading is
an error.

So once you get all your masks/keyword changes in place, you should do:

  emerge -C virtual/perl-*
  emerge -C perl-core/*

(or something to that effect)

This looks scary, but generally isn't, because you're not actually removing
anything with this, just juggling a few balls and making only older
versions of certain things available ( as they're alls shipped in
dev-lang/perl )

And then after you do this, portage is more likely to be persuadable
into doing the right thing.

You can additionally abuse my tool, gentoo-perl-helpers for doing some of this,
and some of the steps I've described are automated because they're just
that safe and useful.


After putting the right masks in place, do:

        gentoo-perl gen-upgrade-sets 5.26 5.24

And if you're really lucky, the sets it generates will work the first time :)

( I actually tested this scenario when developing it, but its still an
undocumented use on purpose )


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