Hi Lucas,

> Here is my muttrc on github:
> https://github.com/lramage94/dotfiles/blob/master/.mutt/muttrc
It looks like you are using gpgme, I personally have not set this up for
my neomutt, instead I use a gpg.rc file from the samples provided.

For example;
bzcat /usr/share/doc/neomutt-*/samples/gpg.rc.bz2 > ~/.mutt/gpg.rc
echo "source ~/.mutt/gpg.rc" >> ~/.mutt/muttrc

There are a few other samples in
ls /usr/share/doc/neomutt-*/samples

Maybe there is something there that will fix your issue.

> When I send an encrypted message I see two files:
> - noname (1kb)
> - msg.asc (10kb) # <-- this one changes size depending on my message.
Whenever I see an encrypted message on my gmail account, which was
encrypted on my PC, I see the exact same thing. These are the raw
PGP/MIME type files for PGP, as opposed to inline PGP which is embedded
in the plain text.


On my neomutt, when I press "v" to view attachments, all I can
see is text/plain. I think my neomutt does something automatic to
decrypt the messages.

My source docs I used when setting my gpg up with mutt were:

I remember in particular reading the codesorcery one pretty closely.
Hope this helps.


Roger Welsh
fpr: 2FCB 9E31 EA77 CDEC A3AE  5DD7 D54C C777 553A 180D

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: PGP signature

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