On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 9:53 AM, Fast Turtle <ftur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> All this does is makes damn sure I will not buy any used hardware
> since you can change embed into the UEFI firmware what ever you want -

To be fair that is hardly anything new either.  Sure, this particular
attack is new, but the concept has been around for a while.  The NSA
was even dropping code into hard drive firmware.

I suspect the reason firmware attacks aren't more common is that
they're more useful for things like espionage (government or
corporate) where actually profiting from the stolen data requires
investments, and the fact that firmware programming is a fairly
obscure discipline.

That and they require getting to the firmware in the first place,
which often requires physical access, or tampering with equipment
before it is purchased.  The NSA can give UPS a check for $10k to bump
your 2-day delivery to "hand-carry on private jet with a brief stop at
this nondescript building."  The average hacker doesn't have that


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