On 2018-05-22, Grant Taylor <gtay...@gentoo.tnetconsulting.net> wrote:
> On 05/22/2018 02:39 PM, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> Just to be pedantic, ckermit isn't a terminal emulator.  It's a serial 
>> comm package that will connect a serial port to whatever terminal/tty 
>> you used to run the ckermit command.  It's also a file transfer protocol, 
>> but that's pretty much irrelevant for this thread.
> Duly noted.  I suspect that minicom, cu, and putty-link (?) also qualify 
> the same way.

Yes for cu and (I think) plink.  IIRC, minicom actually _is_ a
terminal emulator.  It emulates an ANSI/VT100 terminal inside whatever
text-mode terminal you run it from.

> Conversely, XTerm, Gnome-Term, PuTTY, Datastorm ProComm, Vandyke 
> (Secure)CRT, and Hummingbird Host Explorer are all true terminal 
> emulators as they are GUI applications that display text.

There are also text-mode terminal emulators.  You can run screen or
minicom from any terminal supported by your system's termcap/terminfo
library, but whatever is connected to screen/minicom thinks it is
talking to an ANSI terminal.

>> I use ckermit every day, but have never tried to wrap it with either 
>> of the aforementioned readline utilities (the things I connect to have 
>> their own command line history/editing facilities).
> Interesting.  Can I ask more about what your use case is?

Connecting urxvt instances to physical serial ports which are
connected to physical serial ports on various embedded systems where
I'm developing and testing firmware.

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! The PILLSBURY DOUGHBOY
                                  at               is CRYING for an END to
                              gmail.com            BURT REYNOLDS movies!!

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