On 2/4/19 5:10 PM, Grant Taylor wrote:
Consider the following commands to start the ""container:

ip netns add myContainer
ip link add myContainer type veth peer name myHost netns myContainer
ip link set myContainer up
ip addr add dev myContainer
ip netns exec myContainer ip link set myHost up
ip netns exec myContainer ip addr add dev myHost

Consider the following command to stop the ""container:

ip netns del myContainer

This is the other method that I'm starting containers.

unshare --mount=/run/mountns/$container --net=/run/netns/$container --uts=/run/utsns/$container /bin/true

nsenter --mount=/run/mountns/$container --net=/run/netns/$container --uts=/run/utsns/$container /bin/hostname $container

I can use nsenter to execute similar ip link & addr commands to bring the links up.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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