On Monday, 24 June 2019 21:40:07 BST Mick wrote:

> According to the current wiki page these days the kde-meta has been
> replaced with plasma-meta.  This is how I have configured plasma-meta:
>      Installed versions:  5.15.5(5)(12:58:00 14/06/19)(bluetooth browser-
> integration crypt desktop-portal display-manager elogind handbook legacy-
> systray pam pm-utils sddm wallpapers -consolekit -discover -grub -gtk -
> networkmanager -plymouth -pulseaudio -sdk -systemd)
> BUT ... I am thinking of uninstalling it, deplclean-ing my world and
> installing  kde-plasma/plasma-desktop which is the slim version, while
> keeping some select kde-meta packages I need/want.

I made quite a determined attempt to do that on this system. I would uninstall 
a meta package, then see what packages would be removed by emerge -c, and 
emerge --noreplace any that I wanted to keep. Sounds simple, eh? Not so. I 
soon found myself mired in loops and contradictory dependencies which I 
couldn't escape.

I ended up reinstalling from scratch, avoiding as many meta-packages as I 
could. I tried to build on kde-plasma/plasma-desktop, but it was simply too 
basic. I spent a long time trying to find packages to restore what I was used 
to in kde-plasma, but I concluded that it would need the knowledge of a kde 

So I do still have five meta-packages. Ho hum.

I don't want to warn you off altogether, but at least be ready for some tricky 
work. Lots of it!


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