
Does anyone have any experience, tips  or comments on the use of saltstack

Gentoo specific location::

My specific (eventual) goal is to communicate/manage a wide variety of gentoo systems, from servers & workstations to a myriad of embedded and 5G minimal gentoo systems; particularly those on embedded processors that have modest resources.

An eventual framework, where the devices can be graphically located and data overlayed on different types of (data) graphical maps too.

It appears that some are using  OpenStack and Ceph with
Git, Ansible, Puppet, Chef, StackStorm for similar goals
of a total management system for all the microprocessors and sensors in their theater of responsible.

some are rooting their cell phones, to have a hand held device to compliment laptops and multi-monitor systems.

TIA for any feedback, suggestions gotchas or any information.


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