On Sun, 5 Jan 2020 07:48:04 -0000 (UTC)
Martin Vaeth <mar...@mvath.de> wrote:

> This looks like a bug in the perl distribution to me:
> man perl5300delta
> claims "Locale::Codes has been upgraded from version 3.56 to 3.57." and
> man perl5301delta
> neither mentions "Locale" nor "Codes", yet the whole
> cpan/Locale-Codes subdirectory is missing from 5.30.1.
> Although it should not be hard to write an ebuild as a
> temporary workaround, I suggest to file a bug at perl itself.


/usr/bin/corelist -a Locale::Codes

Data for 2019-11-10
Locale::Codes was first released with perl v5.13.1 and removed from v5.29.3

== Upstream has unbundled this and migrated it to be a "CPAN only" dep.

Op needs to request an addition of dev-perl/Locale-Codes , which
provides both Locale::Codes and Locale::Language

This is one of the sorts of things we *usually* have virtuals to
handle, however, nothing in tree uses this, so the virtual never came
to be.

This is not a bug in packaging, more a side effect of your "web
application" not being available in portage.

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