On Thursday, 5 March 2020 23:04:56 GMT Walter Dnes wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 05, 2020 at 12:30:51PM +0000, Michael wrote
> > I haven't yet given Palemoon a spin and consequently have no
> > experience of it.  How does it compare to FF?  I am curious as to
> > security and performance comparisons.
>   It's kept updated regularly for security.  See
> http://www.palemoon.org/releasenotes.shtml for update info.  "CVE-"
> mentions are usually for code inherited from Firefox.  The reason the
> version number is "so low" is that update increments tend to be +0.0.1
> instead of full integer +1 like Firefox/Chrome.  Major milestones are
> where the integer increments occur.  I believe that performance is
> roughly the same, but I don't use both, so I don't definitively know.
> BTW, Pale Moon is still XUL, versus Firefox Webextensions, so the
> respective addons/extensions are incompatible.  Pale Moon stuff is listed
> at https://addons.palemoon.org/extensions/

I use a couple of Addons, I guess I could fish for older XUL based versions 
and see if they run.

> > Would they differ in performance terms on an old AMD powered laptop?
>   1st question; how old is the AMD laptop?  Pale Moon requires at least
> SSE2-capable cpus.

I'll be OK on this front.  SSE2 is available.

>   2nd question; how old is the AMD laptop?  As per thread
> https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=37&t=23031 the official
> 32-bit tarball will no longer be generated as of Nov 2020.  Note that
> this will not prevent you from building it yourself in Gentoo or "the
> hard way", or "community versions" or whatever.

Thanks, amd64 arch will work nicely.

> > What is the recommended way to install in Gentoo?  I noticed
> > the palemoon overlay has ebuilds for source and binary options.
>   You can go the overlay route to manage it by Gentoo, but remember to
> disable system libs.  This will continue to work for 32 and 64-bit.
>   Or you can pull down the tarball and extract to your home directory
> and point your program launcher to ${HOME}/palemoon/palemoon  The entire
> program is contained in ${HOME}/palemoon so it doesn't splatter stuff
> all over.  "Uninstalling" consists of "rm -rf ${HOME}/palemoon".  You
> can set it to auto-update (64-bit only after November) if you install it
> in a directory that you have write-access to.

This is good to know.  Will give it a spin, thanks Walter!

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