Tom Eastman <tom <at>> writes:

> So what I'm looking for is a program that acts like 'sendmail' (so that I can 
> send email from mutt), and when it gets mail to send it stores it in a queue.

> When I'm connected to a network, I can then manually dump the queue onto the 
> smtp server *of my choice*, since the server would very depending on where 
> I'm 
> plugged into.

> Some kind of command like:

>       $ sudo dump_all_mail_to

YES it exist, but, some of the 'old timers' on the list are likely
to fall into deep laughter....

The original *Mail* tool. Note not mail but 'Mail'

for example:

Mail -s <subject> $USER < <body-file>          body-file to all usernames
                                               in the file user-list-file

For example:

Mail -s paychecks -vt   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   < /var/spool/mail/paycheck_stub

It's command line based and very friendly with shell scripts.

  'man Mail' should get you started. Lots of newer more 
sophisticated things exist:

'eix mail'  will lists reems of possibilities, but, 
'Mail' is dirt simple to use.  



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