On Sun, Apr 26, 2020 at 5:58 PM Mark Knecht <markkne...@gmail.com> wrote:

I recompiled the kernel with more stuff as module, but I just had an
idea to make sure the Behringer is the only card in the game: I
disabled HD audio in the firmware settings. So: both Opera and Chrome
play Youtube. aplay plays music files just fine, as it did before.
Audacious also works (it requires modifying the former settings;
that's probably what was missing before). So, I would say everything
works, except stuff like discord. To my shame, I didn't check the logs
with enough attention: it says:

[000:000] [5256] (audio_device_pulse_linux.cc:1547): failed to load symbol table
[000:000] [5256] (audio_device_pulse_linux.cc:145): failed to
initialize PulseAudio
[000:000] [5256] (audio_device_impl.cc:377): Audio device initialization failed.

(To my defence: the ebuild does't try to pull pulseaudio; one would
assume that it would be a dependency)

Hence: no mystery at all, just the usual with linux nowadays.

I'll keep searching for some audio chat package that works. mumble
seems promising, but it requires an available server. zoom (which most
people @work use) doesn't emerge. slack does emerge and vomits a
totally unresponsive window (well, not *totally* unresponsive: Ctrl+Q
works :))

Since you use pulseaudio (per your latest post): can you send the
contents of a wav file to an external DAC via toslink, without
pulseaudio messing with the file? (Most people don't seem to care
whether the signal is first converted to analog, and resampled, and
converted to digital, and whatnot, before leaving the computer...)

I appreciate the enormous amount of effort you put on this.


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