On 5/29/20 6:30 PM, james wrote:
On 5/28/20 7:34 PM, Jack wrote:
On 2020.05.28 19:04, james wrote:
On 5/28/20 4:30 PM, Francesco Turco wrote:
On Thu, May 28, 2020, at 22:11, james wrote:
[leaving only one line...]
U ~] dev-python/qtawesome-0.7.2 [0.7.1]
That's not output from the above command (dev-python wouldn't be there.)� Please show the output of the above eix command, or perhaps try "eix-installed -a | grep dev-qt" for another look to be sure all are at the same version.

I tried to trim it down. So here is the full output:
The formats even look different.  Is the above a trimmed version of what is below, or output from a different command?  (and no, it doesn't really matter.)

 #  eix --category dev-qt --installed --compact
[?] dev-qt/designer (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> 5.13.2(5/5.13)^t): WYSIWYG tool for designing and building graphical user interfaces with QtWidgets [?] dev-qt/linguist-tools (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Tools for working with Qt translation data files [I] dev-qt/qt-creator (4.8.2@05/24/2020): Lightweight IDE for C++/QML development centering around Qt [?] dev-qt/qt-docs (5.14.2_p202003291239(5)@05/24/2020 -> 5.13.2_p201910220817(5)): Qt5 documentation, for use with Qt Creator and other tools [?] dev-qt/qt3d (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/26/2020 -> 5.13.2(5/5.13)^t): 3D rendering module for the Qt5 framework [I] dev-qt/qtchooser (66@11/06/2019): Tool to quickly switch between multiple Qt installations [?] dev-qt/qtconcurrent (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Multi-threading concurrence support library for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtcore (5.14.2(5/5.14.2)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1-r1(5/5.14)^t): Cross-platform application development framework [?] dev-qt/qtdatavis3d (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> 5.13.2(5/5.13)^t): 3D data visualization library for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtdbus (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Qt5 module for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol [?] dev-qt/qtdeclarative (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1-r1(5/5.14)^t): The QML and Quick modules for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtdiag (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> ~5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Tool for reporting diagnostic information about Qt and its environment [?] dev-qt/qtgraphicaleffects (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> 5.13.2(5/5.13)^t): Set of QML types for adding visual effects to user interfaces [?] dev-qt/qtgui (5.14.2(5/5.14.2)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1-r3(5/5.14.1)^t): The GUI module and platform plugins for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qthelp (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> 5.13.2(5/5.13)^t): Qt5 module for integrating online documentation into applications [?] dev-qt/qtimageformats (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> 5.13.2(5/5.13)^t): Additional format plugins for the Qt image I/O system [I] dev-qt/qtlockedfile (2.4.1_p20171024@11/12/2019): QFile extension with advisory locking functions [?] dev-qt/qtmultimedia (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Multimedia (audio, video, radio, camera) library for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtnetwork (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Network abstraction library for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtopengl (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): OpenGL support library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated) [?] dev-qt/qtpositioning (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Physical position determination library for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtprintsupport (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Printing support library for the Qt5 framework [I] dev-qt/qtquickcontrols (5.14.1(5/5.14)@02/21/2020): Set of Qt Quick controls to create complete user interfaces (deprecated) [?] dev-qt/qtscript (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Application scripting library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated) [I] dev-qt/qtsingleapplication (2.6.1_p20171024@11/12/2019): Qt library to start applications only once per user [?] dev-qt/qtsql (5.14.2(5/5.14.2)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14.1)^t): SQL abstraction library for the Qt5 framework [I] dev-qt/qtsvg (5.14.1(5/5.14)@01/30/2020): SVG rendering library for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qttest (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Unit testing library for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtwayland (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1-r1(5/5.14)^t): Wayland platform plugin for Qt [?] dev-qt/qtwebchannel (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Qt5 module for integrating C++ and QML applications with HTML/JavaScript clients [?] dev-qt/qtwebengine (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Library for rendering dynamic web content in Qt5 C++ and QML applications [?] dev-qt/qtwebkit (5.212.0_pre20200309-r1(5/5.212)@04/08/2020 -> 5.212.0_pre20190629(5/5.212)): WebKit rendering library for the Qt5 framework (deprecated) [?] dev-qt/qtwidgets (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Set of components for creating classic desktop-style UIs for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtx11extras (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/15/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Linux/X11-specific support library for the Qt5 framework [?] dev-qt/qtxml (5.14.2(5/5.14)@05/24/2020 -> (~)5.14.1(5/5.14)^t): Implementation of SAX and DOM for the Qt5 framework
Found 35 matches
They all look like 5.14.2, so I think we're still mixing two different problems.  Your original PDF error output suggests mixed qt versions, but I don't see that in the above.  If you're trying to update all qt to the next version, read on.

Not staying up with the very latest qt packages, causes even more problems. I usually have to wait, up to 7 days, as the others trickle in and the all the qt packages will install. Sometime I have to remove them all, then do the upgrade.

This is the first time it has affected pdf files.

Palemoon will not even load pdfs, at least this version::

NewMoon: 28.9.3� (the unofficial build of PaleMoon.)

I'll guess I just wait a few days and see what trickles in on qqt upgrades:

(dev-qt/qtcore-5.15.0:5/5.15.0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) USE="icu -debug -old-kernel (-systemd) -test" ABI_X86="(64)" conflicts with ��� ~dev-qt/qtcore-5.14.2:5/5.14.2= required by (dev-qt/qtnetwork-5.14.2:5/5.14::gentoo, installed) USE="ssl -bindist -connman -debug -gssapi -libproxy -networkmanager -sctp -test" ABI_X86="(64)" ��� ^������������������� ^^^^^^^^^^ ��� ~dev-qt/qtcore-5.14.2 required by (dev-qt/qtgraphicaleffects-5.14.2:5/5.14::gentoo, installed) USE="-debug -test" ABI_X86="(64)"
��� ^������������� ^^^^^^
��� ~dev-qt/qtcore-5.14.2:5= required by (dev-qt/qtxml-5.14.2:5/5.14::gentoo, installed) USE="-debug -test" ABI_X86="(64)"
��� ^������������� ^^^^^^
��� ~dev-qt/qtcore-5.14.2:5/5.14.2= required by (dev-qt/qtdiag-5.14.2:5/5.14::gentoo, installed) USE="network widgets -debug -test" ABI_X86="(64)"
What is trying to pull in qtcore-5.15.0?� You started this with a problem of pdf viewers all complaining about mismatched qt versions, but this looks like a portage issue.� If you are manually marking dev-qt packages as ~, you have to be sure you have gotten them all.� All dev-qt packages (some, such as qt-creator are on a different number scheme) must have the same version.� They are generally released all at the same time, so incomplete upgrades are likely due to a problem in package.accepted_keywords.

Yes, OK, but I cannot tell which ones are not unmasked from the output above.

I'm no longer sure which output you are talking about, but I would try doing "eix-installed -a | grep dev-qt" and then be sure you have unamsked the 5.15.0 version for every one currently at 5.14.2.  I would also check if there are updated versions or any dev-qt package which does not use the 5.14.2/5.15.0 numbering scheme.

Then, if the emerge doesn't work, post the exact command you used, and the full emerge output.  Attempting to trim it generally ends up cutting out some important or useful lines.

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