
As some know, I been playing with encryption recently.  I got doing it
on the command line and using veracrypt for USB sticks down.  I use
Veracrypt for those that I want to work on windoze as well, I hope
anyway.  Now I'm moving on to something else. 

Now that I have a spare drive, I want to encrypt it and have a mount
point for it, /home/dale/documents for example.  What I'd like to do,
when I login in, it asks me for the encryption password and then mounts
it.  When I log out, it reverses.  I'm not doing all of /home because I
want to separate some info.  I may do it later. 

I did some googling but maybe my search terms aren't good enough.  I
mostly find for /home as a whole but not separate parts of it.  When I
add in Gentoo does some things differently, it may be that this isn't
even doable.  Also, my user password and password for the encryption
will be different.  I'm using KDE but anything that will work as part of
KDE or along with KDE will be fine with me. 

Does anyone have a howto they can link to?  Is this even doable? 



:-)  :-) 

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