On 12/9/20 1:00 am, Matt Connell (Gmail) wrote:
On Sat, 2020-09-12 at 00:49 +0800, Andrew Lowe wrote:
        emerge --ask -NuD world

        Is there a simple way of stopping this?

Unless I'm mistaken, this is happening because of the -N flag to
emerge.  Since the ABI changes/additions add *new USE flags* for
packages, when you tell emerge to rebuild packages on finding new/added
USE flags, it wants to rebuild them.

I usually stick with -U (--changed-use) instead, when emerging world.
  This only rebuilds packages when the flags *change*.  Give that a go.

Ahh, I see now what's going on. The problem is that if I do a "-uD" now, and get just the updates, it just "kicks the 290 further down the road" until I next do an "-NuD", which if memory serves has always been the recommended way of updating - according to the gentoo wiki/doco. I might as well get it over and done with now...

Yes, just tested. "-uD" -> just updates. "-NuD" -> updates + 290 odd rebuilds.

It's 02:30 Saturday morning in Perth Australia So I'll just kill it for now and kick it off tomorrow sometime.

        Thanks for the reply Matt,


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