Out of desperation, I've found out a workaround to this.  This
workaround suggests that it's a (introduced) bug in the program, because
I can't make out any logic to it.

im-display-eg-200913-1.png shows how the background is a not transparent
but a single color from the original background.  Note that the
"ellipse" tool was chosen, not the "fill-ellipse".

To get that image, I selected "image-edit -> draw... ->

  element -> ellipse

  color -> red

Normally, the color selects the color of the element.  This was new to
me that I got a white element when selecting red.  On other images, I
indeed get red.  But with the opaque "nonfill".  A "fill ellipse" would
have colored in the element with the selected color.

Anyway, im-display-eg-200913-2.png shows with I drew three ellipses,
changing only the color  The second ellipse, of a dark color, was indeed
transparent, showing the text underneath.  When I tried to change the
color to red again, I got the white square on the third ellipse.

I said this was a workaround, because by experimenting around, I could
get my red ellipse with transparent innerds and finish my project.  But
in preparing this report, I realized it's much more broken than I'd thought.

On 2020-08-30 22:02, n952162 wrote:
In all of the imagemagick display installations I have, when I use the
image edit draw function, it includes an opaque background, rather than
just the lines themselves.  I've never had this with display(1) before,
and can find nothing in the internet about it.  That suggests to me that
it's - again - a use-flag issue.  Is there some use flag I have to use
to have a colored line with a transparent background?

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