Am 05.10.20 um 21:32 schrieb

> What if you put it on the 53c1030 card, can you do that, at least to 
> verify the disk ?

I am 600kms away from that server and the people I could send to the
basement there aren't very competent in these things. I am afraid that
won't work out well.

I only told them to remove and re-insert the new drive. Maybe some
contact issue.

What do you think, is 2 TB maybe too big for the controller?

> What do sg_verify /dev/sg11 return ?


> Can you do sg_dd if=foo of=/dev/sg11 count=10 and get it back with
> sg_dd if=/dev/sg11 of=bar count=10, with cmp foo bar; echo $? 
> returning 0 ?

Yes, that works.

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