Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Nov 2020 08:53:02 +0000, Wols Lists wrote:
>> I *think* the grub volume itself has to be plain, no lvm, mdadm etc. All
>> the stuff for that is in the initramfs, so grub loads the initramfs,
>> starts the kernel, the kernel starts pid 1 which can now start mdadm,
>> lvm etc, and then it can pivot root onto the proper root filesystem.
> That was my thinking, that the kernel/initramfs was reading the LVs but
> Grant mentioned the lvm module for GRUB so I broke the habit of a
> lifetime and read the man page :-O
> "GRUB 2 can read files directly from LVM and RAID devices."

That makes it sound like /boot could be on LVM to me.  That sound right
to you?  If so, I'd bet /, root, could be on LVM and grub be able to
boot without a lot of extra effort.  It may even do so without a init
thingy, if one doesn't need it. 

If that is all doable, almost makes me want to move my OS to a new drive
and use LVM for everything.  That would be really nice.  Might be the
best thing since sliced bread and frozen pizza.  ROFL


:-)  :-) 

P. S.  I been meaning to ask this for ages now.  What happened to our
other Allan?  I think he was from Africa or something and admin'd a
bunch of puters there.  McKinnon or something like that was the past
name.  I haven't seen him post in a long time.  I hope he is OK and all. 

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