On 08/12/2020 22:55, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
What are my options apache blocking access based on country?
So fare I run onto something "geoip" or ACL (long list of IP's provided by eg:)

We geoip I think I will need to install some module for apache (apache 2.2).  
It is using geoip.dat so it must be a long list of as well.  But they are not 
offering any free version.
(doesn't work)
If you don't need to provide information in the browser to blocked users, you could look at net-firewall/xtables-addons with XTABLES_ADDONS="geoip". This will allow you to block access to apache at the network level.

I use this as the first step to limit ssh access to one of my servers:
`iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m geoip ! --src-cc GB -m comment --comment "Drop SSH from outside GB" -j DROP`

This has the advantage that apache doesn't need to process the request, but a possible downside that you won't be able to display a message if that's a requirement.


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