On 2021-02-10, antlists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> wrote:
> On 09/02/2021 04:44, cal wrote:
>>> but it doesn't, when I log-in the XFCE4 is not starting automatically, 
>>> I have to type manually: startxfce4
>> I see you have already solved your problem.  But it bears mentioning: 
>> .xinitrc is executed by runing `startx`, not by the login shell.
> Indeed, I don't know what "rc" at the end stands for, but if a file ends 
> in rc it is almost always a *config* file, which is *read* by the target 
> of interest. It is in no way shape or form an executable of any sort.

IIRC, rc originally stood for "run commands", and it contained a list
of commands for the application to run during initialization. They are
almostly always not executable, but rather configuration commands in
some application-specific syntax.


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