On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 11:44:12 -0700, Grant Taylor wrote:

> I have run into a few problems where emerge can't download files.  So 
> I'm finding them online, downloading them, and saving them to 
> /usr/portage/distfiles.

Ah yes, I hadn't thought about the mirrors being too up to date.
> I have had a couple things (really old kernel source still installed) 
> that I needed to find the ebuild files for.  I added them to my local 
> repository.

If the packages are installed, the ebuilds are in var/db/pkg. The kernel
shouldn't be a problem, I would expect you to be able to jump straight to
the current version, although you may prefer to recompile it once you are
fully up to date on the toolchain.

Neil Bothwick

Crash: (v.) to terminate a program in the usual fashion, i.e. by locking
up the computer or setting fire to the printer. (n.) the process of such

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