On Tue, 6 Apr 2021 18:51:56 -0500, Dale wrote:

> > I think you have to do it in your actual backup script or put the
> > whole thing in the hourly directory putting >/dev/null at the end of
> > each rsync command, but leaving off the 2>&1, so you will get error
> > messages.

> This seems to be working.  Since I added the null bit to the script
> itself, it hasn't sent a email.  I don't know if it will if it fails but
> I still have weekly backups as well. 

If you only redirect stdout to /dev/null and leave stderr alone, you
should still see errors. But a better option would be to have your script
only send output when something goes wrong.

Neil Bothwick

Windows - From the people who brought you EDLIN!

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