-----Original Message-----
From: Michael <confabul...@kintzios.com> 
Sent: Monday, September 20, 2021 8:21 AM
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] python, my nemesis

On Monday, 20 September 2021 15:52:03 BST Gerrit Kuehn wrote:
>> Just extracting stage3 over everything that is already there?

>No, I move out of the way the config/data files I want to keep and move them 
>back in after untarring the stage 3.

A less traumatic place to start I find is to unpack the stage3 into /tmp or 
wherever it's out of the way and then chroot into it and use quickpkg to bundle 
up newer versions of blocked core utilities.  Not needing build deps can quite 
often simplify the upgrade path enough to get past certain things.

You can also (with a lot of annoyance) use the new portage that's in the 
tarball to get past eapi restrictions and whatnot and tell it to install the 
stuff it builds into your original system's folders.  I've even used that to 
salvage systems that got moved to new hardware with an incompatible set of 
processor flags.  Not straightforward since you have to manage both the build 
environment in the stage3 and the install environment in the original system, 
but there's very little you can't fix with this approach.

Just don't let your system build binary packages for virtual/* under any 
circumstances.  That never ends well.  I really need to write up a request to 
have portage blacklist those by default when buildpkg is enabled...


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